Russia's Use of North Korean Rockets in Ukraine- A Threat to Asia

Russia's Use of North Korean Rockets in Ukraine- A Threat to Asia

The United States has raised concerns over Russia's usage of North Korean ballistic missiles as part of its military efforts in Ukraine. This has alarming implications for Asia as it reveals a worrisome collaboration between Russia and North Korea in terms of weapons supply. Recently, the US has reported that Moscow is also making strides in acquiring Iranian ballistic missiles.

According to various sources, North Korea has provided Russia with large numbers of missiles in exchange for military equipment, including advanced weaponry, fighter aircraft, and other technological components. Additionally, Russia is said to be in negotiations with Iran to purchase short-range ballistic missiles, suggesting a multi-faceted expansion of its missile capabilities.

In response to these developments, the US has called for a meeting at the UN Security Council to address the issue of missile supply to Russia from North Korea. The growing arsenal of missiles provided by North Korea presents a concerning threat to regional stability, with implications far beyond the immediate conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

This trend has further been underscored by UK officials who have sternly warned North Korea of the consequences, emphasizing that it will face a 'high price' for aiding Putin with weapons. The use of non-domestic missiles in the conflict has troubled many observers, with implications that extend beyond the immediate military engagements.