Jones Day Law Firm Challenging Colorado Decision to Disqualify Trump from Ballots

Jones Day Law Firm Challenging Colorado Decision to Disqualify Trump from Ballots

Jones Day, a reputable law firm known for its involvement in various political campaigns, has been commissioned by the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) to contest the decision disqualifying former President Trump from the Colorado ballots. The law firm, which notably announced its decision not to work on Trump's 2024 campaign, is seeking to persuade the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn the ruling that barred Trump from running for president due to alleged violations of the Constitution's insurrection clause. This historic decision by the Colorado court was based on claims that Trump violated Section 3 of the 14th Amendment during the January 6 riot, which stipulates that individuals who engage in insurrection or rebellion after taking oath to support the Constitution should be barred from seeking public office. In support of Trump's appeal against this decision, Jones Day lawyers submitted an amicus curiae brief to the Supreme Court, aiming to influence the outcome of the case. The law firm's involvement in the appeal comes as Trump pursues the 2024 GOP nomination, despite facing disqualification in multiple states over alleged insurrection during the Capitol riot. Notably, Jones Day played a significant role in Trump's successful 2016 campaign and had several of its lawyers appointed to key positions within the Trump administration. Now, prominent figures from the firm have been hired by NRSC to lend support to Trump's appeal before the Supreme Court. In their amicus brief, the Jones Day lawyers argued that the Colorado Supreme Court overstepped its jurisdiction by prohibiting Trump from running for office in the state, and that the language of Section 3 does not necessarily disqualify individuals from seeking public office. They emphasized the importance of free and fair elections, stating that the Colorado court's decision threatens the democratic process and the will of the American people. Newsweek is dedicated to challenging existing viewpoints and uncovering common ground.